About Us

Small team but big think

We apply new technology and create the unusual things.
We are include engineer, scientist, designer and developer.

Our fields

A.I & Machine learning

We did some projects about machine learning and A.I, In the future, iteam1 will focus on more competitions, more interating A.I projects and more free contributions for community.


Data science

Data is now from every where. If you want to move forward, you have to use data. Our service is about collect, process and analyze data. Building model for predicting new incoming and extract information behind the chaos.



By the A.I achievements robot is now getting smarter. This is our journey and also our hobby. Integrating A.I into robot and let them have ability to solving problems by their intelligent.


Software & Application

We have the best developers with many experience on software development, application and embedding system. Our products serve in multi-zone, include science, automation, ecommerce, etc.


Join with us

Are you love coding and have some idea? Do you want to join with the other developers and getting stronger?
iteam1 is wellcome the TRUELY passionners, send us a email to address iteam1.official@gmail.com if you want to join with us!

Our Partners
